CM has since evolved to include more leagues, more information, more statistics and greater tactical control, but even after a decade of updates, at its heart CM remains the same addictive-as-hell game with a cast iron guarantee of hours, days, weeks, months of anguish, tension and sheer enjoyment. Even then, it was an all-consuming management game, with a level of detail and involvement never before seen. It is now ten years since the game first appeared on the old Commodore Amiga, packed into three floppy disks.
But for those whose heads have been buried in the sand, here's a brief recap on the CM phenomenon.
The latest version of Championship Manager is upon us, and it is, to be fair, an update of last year's superb edition. It's time to don the sheepskin coat, get the teacups ready for the half-time rant and settle down in the virtual dugout for a lifetime of agony and ecstasy.